Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sweet Cupcakes is going to DC!

hey everyone!
In less than 3 days I am heading up to Washington DC. While there I am planning a trip to George Town Cupcakes Aka DC Cupcake. I am really excited, there is a good chance I get to meet the owners. I am at least wanting to try 3 flavors. Is there a flavor you like me to try?  Also there is another cupcake bakery there too, call Hello Cupcake. I hoping to go there too. (:

I want yall to pick the 3 flavors I am going to try... here is the website! Comment and let me know. (:

And whatever day I do go I will also try the flavor of the day (: I will take lots of photos and do a blog post.
Also here is Hello Cupcake site (:

thanks for reading!!

GeorgeTown Cupcakes 

Hello Cupcake 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Punch Card

A punch card, every time you order a dozen you get a punch and once you fill up you card you get 1/2 off you order on your 6th order!!

I am working on printing some out, but you are more than welcome to print one out and show me when you do make a order. ! Email me if you have questions!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hey Guys!
I have some coupons of $5 off on your order. Email me to receive yours! It starts tomorrow. I am taking emails right now. Tomorrow morning I will be posting it on facebook.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Rum Cupcake?

So today I was at a friends and she was helping me with the blog. Well she is having a house warming party and we started talking about cupcake flavors, we all started taking about rum cupcakes.. Then I thought coconut run!  do pineapple cake with coconut rum frosting, or coconut rum cake with pineapple frost. I think pineapple as the cake then the rum frosting.. it will be over 21 cupcake!  So we are thinking of trying these a great way to end the summer!

Here is photo of idea what I can do :)

Just a thought/idea

This Week Special!

You can click the picture to enlarge it. The special is through this Friday and the coupon starts on the 13th thru 27th of this month. I can do almost any flavor, or if you want a custom flavor I can do that as well. I am updating the Cupcake Menu where I will list prices and the flavors and sizes. Please if you have any questions or wanting to order email me and we can get started from there! Thanks! and thank you for visiting my site!
I hope to be baking for you soon!
Email me for more details.